Monday, August 17, 2009

Journey continues

The photograph of the moth [see below] sitting on a stone amongst dry leaves,twigs and stones was taken by my daughter in law. I found it fascinating and I wanted to try my hands at acrylic using this as reference.My little darling promptly sat down next to me and said" I also want to paint the moth".I gave her some paint,a piece of paper and a brush and we sat in front of the big computer screen which displayed the photograph and quietly continued with our paintings.

The outcome

This was the sketch made by Amie but unfortunately I don't have a photograph of her finished work.You can see her painting the same in the photograph where she is siting next to me.

During my stay I painted one more piece, also in acrylic.It was the view through the bed room window. The Fill your walls-gallery, Singapore in collaboration with the national art council had called for entries for an exhibition-'Breakthrough art-CREATIONS II' to be held in August.I sent in photos of the above paintings on-line- and to my surprise the painting of the moth titled- 'Nature's mosaic' got selected as one of the 40 paintings of emerging artists of Singapore and will be exhibited this Wednesday, 19Th August 2009.

This is a picture of Thhaam done by Amie on our way back from Cape cod.I gave her my sketch book and some coloured crayons while we were waiting for the food in a restaurant in Plymouth.She told that she was using many colours to make Thhaam look more beautiful.

1 comment:

Katrien said...

congratulations on the contest: we're knocking on all kinds of wood over here!
Abt Amie's moth drawing, unfortunately she never finished it - i.e., she says it *is* finished just like that. I love how she got the wings and the body...